As a new mama I found myself overwhelmed when it came time to create my baby registry. Everyone had an opinion on what I should register for, how many of which various gadgets I would need, which brand of diapers I should use…it was exhausting. You spend hours researching and reading reviews and then sure enough, you change your mind and end up starting all over again.
I’d recommend starting by googling “must have baby items”. There are tons of lists out there that you can use as a starting point & it’s a great way to ensure you hit all of the basics. I found that a lot of the time you’ll find an item listed that you never would have thought of – so it’s a great place to start. If you’re interested in browsing my favorites, check them out here: I’d next recommend reaching out to friends & family that have recently had children and ask them what items they consider to be essential. The key word there being RECENTLY. You have to keep in mind that not only are baby products ever-evolving in style and functionality, but the safety guidelines are constantly being updated and reevaluated as well. Our parents and other older family members mean well with their advice & recommendations, but keep in mind they likely raised their children 30+ years ago.
Once you have your list of what you want to register for, spend some time browsing online at Target, Amazon, Buy Buy Baby, etc. to get an idea of which specific products you’re interested in. Read reviews, compare various brands and models & consider going in store and seeing some of the products in person. My husband & I went to Target and tested out various display strollers to get a feel for height, as some models are not adjustable, and checked out diaper bags as those can be tricky to get a feel for online.
Once you know what you need, what you want and where you want to register – start adding items. Go through and add what you know you need first and then take some time to click through each category and browse. If something catches your eye – add it. You can always go back and remove items or switch them out for something else.
A few final tips & tricks:
- Check out “registry benefits” for the stores/sites you register at. Target & Amazon both offer a box of samples for creating a registry, as well as a “completion discount” that you can use to save some money when you’re buying any items you didn’t receive as gifts.
- Register for gift cards – there’s always going to be something you forgot or didn’t know you needed down the road.
- Go easy on the clothing. You’ll inevitably end up receiving a ridiculous amount of clothing, whether you registered for it or not, so consider only adding your favorites and buying what you still need post-shower. Also, register for larger sizes so you don’t end up with 50 newborn onesies and have to buy an entire new wardrobe a few months later.
- Don’t be afraid to include “non-newborn” products. We registered for potty training products, 12+ month toys, etc. so we would be prepared down the line.
- GET ALL THE ZIPPERS! Snaps are the literal worst when you’re trying to change a diaper at 3 a.m. or get a squirming baby into clean pj’s. Trust me – you want zip-up sleepers and LOTS of them in the early months.